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Freedom Of The Press

The Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice: Artwork Sorted by Tag

Graphics Library of Revolution and Social Justice >> Artwork Sorted by Tag >> Freedom Of The Press
Artwork --- Officer Violence Would Like to Interrogate You About Your Artwork (Anti-Police and Anti-Cop Directory | Description : This image came from http://www.RadicalGraphics.or... | Tags : Police Brutality, Spray Paint, Street Art, Graffit...) ::: By Radical Graphics (About: All material posted here originally appeared at ht... | Ideals: Anarchy, Animal Liberation, Anti-America, Anti-Bio...)
Artwork by Tag: Freedom Of The Press
Gallery Description: Artwork tagged by its artist as "Freedom Of The Press".
Random Image Tags: Police Brutality (3), Spray Paint (1), Street Art (1), Graffiti (1), Graffiti Artist (1), Street Artist (1), Police Violence (3), Police Aggression (1), Cop (7), Officer (7), Police (13), Baton (7), Club (2), Beating (1), Violence (1), Badge (6), Lapd (1), Los Angeles Police Department (1), Gun (20), Pistol (7), Cuffs (2), Handcuffs (1), Hat (24), Hands (11), Boots (11).

Tags: 2,244

Viewing 1 - 1 of 1 Images that are tagged with "Freedom Of The Press" by the artist. On Page 1 of 1.
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